2022 Why Not Niwot Art Show: Deadline for Submissions
The Why Not Niwot? Juried Art Show is an annual celebration of the arts and all things Niwot.
How it works
Each year local and regional artists submit works depicting the look, feel, and/or essence of the Niwot community, a vibrant and vintage Colorado town on the Front Range. The entries are on display all over town April-May. Locals and visitors pick up a map of locations, visit each piece, and vote on their favorites. In June we announce two overall winners: First place as chosen by the selection committee, and first place as chosen by the people — as well as 2nd & 3rd place by the art show jury.
$500 Grand Prize — $250 2nd Place — $100 3rd Place
$100 People’s Choice Award
Information for Entries
- Winning piece will be used to market the 2023 First Friday Art Walk
- 2-D medium—no size requirement!
- Properly framed (depending on medium) and ready for hanging
- Artworks will be displayed in various businesses around Niwot
- All pieces should feature the uniqueness of Niwot!
Deadline: June 13, 2022
Entry Requirements
- Nonrefundable entry fee of $30 for up to three entries, $15 for each additional entry over the first three. Mail check (made out to NCAA) and application to Osmosis Gallery, PO Box 1024, Niwot, CO 80544.
- Work to be juried by digital images. Crop image excluding framing and background and Email jpeg to: mhenzel@osmosisarchitecture.com
- Images must represent the work exactly
- Label digital files with artist’s name, name of the entry, dimensions, and retail price
- Commission: All work in the exhibition will be offered for sale. Businesses hosting the work will retain a 40% commission on sales
- Include a description of why your picture features the uniqueness of Niwot
Artist Calendar
June 13th: Deadline for submissions
June 20th: Notification of Acceptance
June 23rd: Drop off of entries at osmosis gallery
July 1st: First Friday Art Walk: Opening Reception
People’s Choice voting begins, continues through August 31st
August 31st: Exhibition Closes
September 1st: Artists pick up art at businesses
Grand Prize winner and People’s Choice winners will be notified and their pieces kept for the September 2nd Niwot Art Walk and Awards ceremony