How to Access the NBA member area and edit your business listing.

Most frequent questions and answers

Go to Doing Business, then NBA Log in (can also access through this page)


Login using the single password “niwotrocks2023” (no quotes, all lowercase). This password is the same for all members because it gives access to one single member area.

You are now in the NBA Members only area, where you will find resources just for members.


Now, to access your own member page …..

In the right-hand column on the page (after you are logged in with the single password to the general member page) you will see “Login to manage your Business Listing and membership” (see image below)

This is where you will enter your username OR email address and your individual password. This is the password you created for this website when we set up your listing. Please email or if you would like your password reset or need this information.

If you do not have an individual username or password for the site yet, Just email us and we will set it up for you:

We can then connect you to your listing.

This is a secure way for your business to be associated with you and only you.

After you have purchased your membership here , you will choose to send a check or pay online. You will be given the password to access the member area. You will then receive this email (please check your spam folder) which will link to how you can set your password: Proceed to the next step on how to edit or create your business listings.

You will be directed to a page with statistics – across the top is another menu – “my listings” is where you find and edit your listing.

5. Fill out the business listing

You may add as much information as you like, including images, text, video and relevant items such as restaurant menus or current special offers.

Please double check all crucial info such as website, telephone number, store hours etc.